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Mr. V

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Vel augue aenean scelerisque sagittis vehicula turpis egestas lobortis condimentum vitae purus cursus, ullamcorper primis vulputate pellentesque scelerisque nullam etiam donec massa quisque.

Mr. B

in The DJs
December 23, 2013

Cras iaculis felis a elit eleifend pulvinar. Sed mollis magna eget eleifend pulvinar. Mauris a arcu eget libero porttitor gravida. Curabitur nulla eros, cursus id consectetur et, adipiscing sit amet erat. Pellentesque tempor velit in turpis convallis, vel pharetra nibh imperdiet.

Quote 1

in Quotes
December 18, 2013

Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music.

About us

in About
December 18, 2013

AKP FM 89.1 provides a platform which promotes giving back to the community through helping to repair broken homes and lives, and caring for the less fortunate. WAKP exposes its audience to a variety of music and news from various cultures.

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  • AKP FM 89.1 provides a platform which promotes giving back to the community through helping to repair broken homes and lives, and caring for the less fortunate. WAKP exposes its audience to a variety of music and news from various cultures.

contact us

Stone Mountain, GA 30080


  • Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music.